Creating a command

Creating a command

Every command in the application are all a child from the LaunchpadCLI\Commands\Command class.

To create a command you will have to extend from it.

Once this is done the next step is to implement methods on the class:

  • __construct: Create the command and load dependencies.

  • interact: Interact with the user to get missing data.

  • execute: Execute the actual command.

Linking it to the CLI

Once the command is created we will have to link it to the CLI. To do that we will have to create a service provider for that command and attach it to the CLI.

First we will have to create the service provider itself by creating a class extending LaunchpadCLI\ServiceProviders\ServiceProviderInterface interface:

class ServiceProvider implements LaunchpadCLI\ServiceProviders\ServiceProviderInterface {
     * Attach commands from the service provider to the cli.
     * @param App $app cli.
     * @return App
    public function attach_commands(App $app): App {
      return $app;


If needed every service provider will receive 3 parameters in their constructor:

  • Configurations $configs: Configurations from the project.

  • Filesystem $filesystem: Filesystem initialized at the root from the project.

  • string $app_dir: path from the application directory.

Then inside the attach_commands method you can register by using the method add on $app as following:

$app->add(new Command());

Finally the last step is to register the service provider into the CLI.

Event listener

An event listener is available inside the CLI.

To use it you need to implement LaunchpadCLI\ServiceProviders\EventDispatcherAwareInterface interface then you will be able to share the event manager with each classe you need to use it.

We propose a trait LaunchpadCLI\ServiceProviders\EventDispatcherAwareTrait to use to prevent you from implementing the logic from the interface.

Dispatching an event

To dispatch an event you need first to use the trait LaunchpadCLI\Events\UseHookTrait.

If you want to run a filter you can run the method apply_filter:

$results = $this->apply_filter('my_filter', [
   'test' => []

If you want to run an action you can run the method do_action:

$this->do_action('my_action', [
   'test' => []

Then depending on your

Registering a subscriber

To register a subscriber you need to create a service provider that implements LaunchpadCLI\ServiceProviders\EventDispatcherAwareInterface and implement set_event_dispatcher method.

Then you will have to implement a League listener subscriber and register it as following into your service provider:

public function set_event_dispatcher(EventDispatcher $event_dispatcher) {
  $this->event_dispatcher->subscribeListenersFrom(new MyListenerSubscriber());

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