

This module offers you a way to execute actions on the plugin uninstall easily while still respecting a modern architecture.


To install that library run the following command: composer require wp-launchpad/uninstaller-take-off --dev


This module creates a uninstall.php file at the root of your plugin that will load selected service providers on uninstall and run action from Uninstaller.

Load a service provider

To load a service provider it needs to match of theses conditions:

  • Implementing the interface LaunchpadUninstaller\Uninstall\UninstallServiceProviderInterface.

  • Implementing the interface LaunchpadUninstaller\Uninstall\HasUninstallerServiceProviderInterface and return at least one Uninstaller.

Load an uninstaller

To create an Uninstaller it needs to implement the interface LaunchpadUninstaller\Uninstall\UninstallerInterface and be registered in the method get_uninstallers from a service provider.

Last updated