
In WordPress it is possible to fire actions when you enable or disable a plugin.

In Launchpad theses actions are also possible but we made it easier for you to use your objects from the container. For that we used a couple of interface that describes the actions that should be executed and the service providers to load.


When we are activating the plugin with Launchpad providers selected will load and execute specific tasks called activator.

To make a service provider load on activate you need it to implements the interface LaunchpadCore\Activation\ActivationServiceProviderInterface or to implements the interface LaunchpadCore\Activation\HasActivatorServiceProviderInterface while having one or multiple activators registered with the method get_activators.

Each activator will have to implement the interface LaunchpadCore\Activation\ActivationInterface and the method activate which is called to execute the logic during the activation.


When we are deactivating the plugin with Launchpad providers selected will load and execute specific tasks called deactivator.

To make a service provider load on deactivate you need it to implements the interface LaunchpadCore\Deactivation\DeactivationServiceProviderInterface or to implements the interface LaunchpadCore\Deactivation\HasDeactivatorServiceProviderInterface while having one or multiple deactivators registered with the method get_deactivators.

Each activator will have to implement the interface LaunchpadCore\Deactivation\DeactivationInterface and the method get_deactivators which is called to execute the logic during the activation.

Last updated