
The deactivate logic is some logic executed each time the plugin got disabled.

It is possible to use that state to interrupt the plugin:

  • By cancelling crons.

  • By updating the settings.

Create a deactivate logic

In Launchpad, to create a logic to be executed when the plugin disabling, we need to create a deactivator.

To create a deactivator, any class can be used as the only requirement is to use @deactivate annotation inside the docblock of at least one of the methods:

class MyDeactivator {
    * @deactivate
    public function unregister_options() {

Once the deactivator class is created, it needs to be registered on a service provider to be loaded.

For that it is important to first add the necessary logic into the provider using HasDeactivatorServiceProviderInterface interface and HasDesactivatorServiceProviderTrait trait:

class ServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider implements HasDeactivatorServiceProviderInterface {
	use HasDesactivatorServiceProviderTrait;
	 * Define your services.
	 * @return void
	protected function define() {


It is then possible to have access to the register_deactivator method to register our deactivator inside the define method:

class ServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider implements HasDeactivatorServiceProviderInterface {
	use HasDesactivatorServiceProviderTrait;
	protected function define() {

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